Principal's Message

Dear Sirius College family, we are well into term two and it gives me great pleasure to see that our school is continuing to flourish in academic and extra-curricular fields. Here are some important events that have taken place since the last issue of the newsletter and a heads up for the exciting events to come.

We have recently experienced one of the most meaningful days of the year, ANZAC day. Our school hosted an ANZAC and Gallipoli incursion in which our students were able to learn so much. It was great to see the Sirius College family appreciate the sacrifices the ANZAC and Gallipoli soldiers had made.

LOTE week and International Children's Day was by far one of the most exciting things to happen at Sirius College in the past few weeks. It all got started with the releasing of many red and white balloons, which, throughout the next three days, was followed by exhilarating Turkish dances, song performances, outdoor games, activities and jumping castle fun! Dallas Brooks Primary School also joined us for a spectacular multicultural breakfast. Thank you to all our students, parents and staff members who helped in making this week absolutely awesome.

Grades 1 and 2s have attended swimming this term at Epping Leisure Centre. It was an intensive 2 day a week program for 4 weeks. The program involved learning water safety skills and swimming techniques. The students thoroughly enjoyed the swimming program. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank parents for their assistance in the program.

Our school is also honoured to have hosted Cyber safety seminars, there was one held for our grade 6 students and another one held for the grade 5 and 6 parents. It was a great privilege to have a police officer come in and give us all very important information on staying safe and fair on the internet, which is a major necessity in the technology packed world we live in.

Entrance Exam

The Entrance Exams will be held on Sunday, 5th of June. If you have, or know of, any children who would like to enrol at Sirius College for next year please contact the school office to place an application. Places are filling up rapidly and your child may miss out if he/she doesn't sit the exams on time. Please note that all children, even if they have siblings at this school, will need to sit these exams.

Supervision of children continues to be an issue

Please note our school operates a before and after school care program to cater for any families whom may be in these types of situations. Parents please consider using this service as it is a government funded program, subject to eligibility. It could be a service of no cost to your children to have a warm safe environment to play in and get breakfast and afternoon snacks. The OSHC program runs from 7.00 am till 9am and recommences from 3.25 -6pm in the evening. The students are kept safe and a fun and interactive and educational program is provided. The students are also provided with homework assistance. Please speak with Ms Saadet OSHC Coordinator for further information.

Parents should note that:

Some children are being dropped off to school before supervision hours commence or who are not booked into the OSHC program. Supervision hours are between 8.35 am till 4pm after school supervision will cease at 3:50 pm. Please note that children should NOT be dropped off before 8.30 am nor left at school after 4pm, unless they have booked into the OSHC program.

We are seeing far too many students at school some as early as 7.45 am in the mornings and some students being left outside the gates till 6pm. Some of these students are playing on their own and the potential of these children having an accident is very real. Please note that it is the parent's responsibility to keep their children safe outside of these supervised hours and not the schools.

Dear Mothers,

I hope you had a happy mother's day.

Deniz Yildirim